Fourth Installment May 17, 2020

Greetings from the distance

Hope you are all well and able to navigate these chaotic times in a positive way.
I am feeling a bit mixed up at this point. Values, logic, emotions, all challenged. I am suited to this stay at home order in many ways, and yet there is so much missing
As I continue to conjure you up as my muses, Delia shows up, and makes me giggle with a joy that makes my chi tingle. As Lia's beatific smile washes over me, everything gets softer and I feel an ease.
As my body releases muscle tension, my attention moves to the bones. And there shines Mercy who is such a great verbal and visual guide into deep structure. I can "see" my form.
Structure is our Common Ground
Shape is our Uniqueness.
And it is so much fun to try to be shaped like Marcia, Michele, DonO, Dan, Bill, Kate, Laura, Dennis, Larrie/Robinn, Teresa and on and on.
And then to find Master Tung at the foundation is the best.

Aside from my ecstatic moments with you all, I have come to realize that we will not be having Summer Camp in June. It is the First one to be cancelled in 33 years.
I am in contact with the school, and when they open the campus and gathering is permitted, we can be outside. There is so much outdoor space, we can easily follow safety guidelines. Everything to be announced.

Thank you all for showing up in my dreamy state!!
And for your votes by the way.
We won "The Best in Sonoma County" contest in 2 categories this year!!

I posted another little video on my YouTube page. The link is below. Enjoy it.
And don't forget to weigh in with me.
Hearing from you lets me know that you are alive and well outside of me as well as inside me.
Jane Golden




"Hi Jane, Thinking of you often, missing my Tai Chi Family, and hoping everyone is staying healthy! I feel so much love for you all and want to express that.
As the Covid numbers seem to be on the rise, my spirits waver. It is a good thing to be so full of love, a talisman, connection, purpose.
Softly standing tall, looking for the middle way, appreciating everything, and growing lots of hair. Stacey"

"Hi everybody, I sure miss class and everybody in it, It's the old "don't know what you got till it's gone",
But actually, my personal practice at home, holds me close to all of you, and as Jane has said before, As I practice, I feel and see your faces and all of the sweet memories, Of us following our hearts under Janes tutelage, It sure seems to me that our friendships are as solid as the form itself, A heartening feeling, In these times of limited contact, so, I have a story
A funny thing happened on the way to the third section, I do the slow set in the morning, I was starting to get into it the other day, and I thought of Janes affinity for jigsaw puzzles, Easing into the first section, I started to think about all the different shaped pieces of a puzzle, observing each piece, trying to find its connection to the others, I saw this very clearly in my mind, hundreds of pieces all of them eventually designed to fit,
As I entered the second section, it dawned on me that these intricate pieces were an analogy for learning tai chi, As I kept flowing through the form, the vision of these pieces got clearer and clearer, delightfully, they all started to fit together, Each piece reminding me of something I had learned, Then, as if by magic, these hundreds of pieces, Fitting together perfectly, we're actually Jane's words, I suddenly in a unified moment, remembered every word Jane ever told me, every personal adjustment, Every lesson,
I wasn't trying anymore, I wasn't learning anymore, it was all there, As I rounded the bend into The third section, all the pieces of the puzzle clicked together,There was not one piece left on the table, Love Mark Mc"

"Golden Jane and Golden Friends, I am digesting the experience of you in oh so different way. Sunset is my time with you. I mostly do the first section, much slower than usual, allowing for a multitude of tiny adjustment movements. So I can feel the accomplishment and the power of the foot slowly finding flat before dantien moves forward
I hear you touch
I feel you say
I inhale your challenge and stretch
I exhale your voice and soften
Sometimes playing with exaggerated elasticated loops in between
Filling me from liquidity of the sea.
I celebrate each of you and the inspriational gift of love of form, of each other, of a greater power. I bow deeply
Giving Thanks

First Riff on Root

Always before root was hard
Now, I see it melt under me until it becomes me
while the scared and constant exchange of energy cell to cell
nudges my awareness to open
Empty more
Releasing while making never ending adjustments in the vast
tributaries of chi.
Now, Pretend you are still
Welcome the appearance of inner illumination
Can we Root within?
I'm Trolling along the blood vessels now, I'll let you know


Car coming over Coleman Valley tonite
Wish it was you
We'd meet on a plateau
To follow the circle ... reminded by sun, reminded by moon
Re-turning to earth, turning with you
Our hands wave with clouds, our feet seek the round molten core
Of compassion
Is this what it took for humanity to ground?
To what systems do we root, do we plant our voice with a
yes I believe, I sow my seed in your soil,
it is fertile
Our guide Metal Rat travels endlessly through this maze of
unknowing, nose down, smart as a whip.
We''ll get through this
with Her help


"Gorgeous! Silver mane flowing in the waves of chi, sturdy redwood reaching heavenward, your beatific smile, inward and out, capturing the essence of all that is precious.
Thank you for sending this out, and for keeping the sangha alive and well. Miss you and everyone like crazy. Love to all, bob "

Thanks for your inspiration Here's a new song. Scott CLICK TO LISTEN

"Wow, life goes on without gathering but my heart is still with you. Yes, out of practice is true though. Hideko "

"Beautiful and inspiring video - thank you so much for sharing! I've been trying to remember this qigong I did once with you. So glad you made it out into the open (via video) - your (combed!) hair is so lusciously flowing, following your Qi. Lots of love, Martha "

"I find myself in the form while driving, standing, dreaming, add music and stir. Working long hours, no time to practice, but the practice is in me as well as all of you. A stillness inside, glowing, sustaining.
No camp on the books, but I have that week off. I for-tell a gathering with space, but a gathering none the less, music, ancient weapons, and blissful smiles. Hoping, Stacey "

"I was thinking of you and our class today as I managed to get my sticks and broad sword out for some practice in our driveway. And here is your email! Hugs and more hugs! Muftiah "

"Dear Everyone,I live for these missives from Jane and I miss you all.
My practice is constant but very short: the first section reliably, very slowly, before bed and during the day some moves periodically separated out for improvement from other sections, absorbing the video.
Balance and relaxation have markedly improved.
Thank you, Jane, for keeping us in your heart, as we keep you in ours, I am sure. You are a constant source of comfort to me as I deal with the terrors and constrictions of this new life.
Your beauty shines in the video you sent of the heart and soul Chi Gong. Thank you so much for that.
I have enjoyed messages from Mark; I saw Laura doing her wonderful program on KOWS; and I chatted with Ella briefly, two masked bandits waiting at the Casino for our dinner.
I would dearly love a distanced visit with Lia. Love to all, Delia "

"During this time I have become more and more aware of how important tai chi is to my health and serenity. And while I miss the camaraderie and energy of group practice (and the lovely smooth floor of the gym), I have found other treasures in solo practice.
First, I have been practicing every day, so I'm stronger.
Second, I'm relishing going slower, feeling the stillness just before the transition to the next posture, being balanced enough that I could move in any direction I choose, not subject to momentum, yet still flowing.
It doesn't happen all the time, and some days I want to move quickly.
The form accommodates.
I'm practicing weapons, too, jumping around in the driveway, probably mystifying my neighbors. I have found a few video clips on YouTube for sticks and 2nd knife to help me remember.
I'll bet that there will be a lot of remedial work to do once we're all back together, as our bad habits and imperfectly remembered moves have gone uncorrected during this time.
I do hear your voice gently guiding me, so it may not be so bad after all!
I will miss camp. I've been thinking about recording a song to share with everyone. If I can get it together, I'll send you a preview. Love,PJ "

"Thank you so much for your updates. These are truly interesting times. I miss the wonderful community of class very much.
A great pleasure of mine has been to bike to Armstrong Woods early in the morning to practice there when no one else is around. My best,JP "

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